Off to Printer, Final Prep of Theses and Dissertations, and Research for EdD-EdTech

Busy weekend as usual. Read and did homework, and realized about half an hour til midnight on Sunday evening that I had “missed” some homework from Thursday night. I read the assignments, and posted in the wrong place, but didn’t comprehend the midnight on Thursday and Sunday due date. Oh, well. Steep learning curve, but I’ll get there.

Today I finished the book for Tower Press. I used this video to help me print a proper PDF with the whole spread and printer’s marks for the cover.

So, here’s what went to press, in terms of the cover.


Also, today I grabbed the docs I need to read for 601 and 602; I’m trying to work even more reading into my schedule, whatever “schedule” means…

Here are some pictures of my normal day to day activity this time in the semester/session: preparing theses and dissertations for binding.


This is a stack of a thesis or dissertation as I put in signature pages, label everything, and make sure everything is perfect. The stacks of boxes are theses and dissertations waiting their turn for the final processing. They’ve been boxed and separated, labelled, and a copy of each given to the Dean of the Graduate College to read and approve.





This is what some of them look like once they have been packaged, one copy per envelope, and labelled, ready for the bindery. The library will then come over with a cart and take the boxes back with them to the library for when the bindery comes to pick them up.

Always busy here in the TDO (Thesis & Dissertation Office).

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